Climate Ready
Infrastructure Service
Whether you are an expert in the field of climate resilience or a local government looking for guidance, the CRIS offers specialized support to ensure climate considerations are built into infrastructure development, fostering sustainable and resilient communities across Canada.
Join Our Next Info Session
Are you a municipality looking to future-proof your infrastructure and build community resilience? Join our info session to explore how the Climate Ready Infrastructure Service (CRIS) can help ensure your infrastructure is lasting and future-proofed for the climate challenges of tomorrow.
This interactive virtual session is an opportunity to explore how the CRIS can provide expert support tailored to your community’s infrastructure needs and climate challenges, connect with our Climate Leads for a Q&A, and learn how to register your project to take advantage of the service today.
Date: January 28, 2025
Time: 10am PT / 11 am MT / 1pm ET / 2pm AT
Format: Zoom virtual meeting
Who Can Register?
1. Climate and Infrastructure Experts
Do you have expertise in climate adaptation or mitigation? Independent contractors, as well as organizations of all sizes, are strongly encouraged to submit applications. Register as an independent contractor or on behalf of your firm or organization to join the Roster of Climate and Infrastructure Experts. We're seeking experts from a range of disciplines, including engineers, architects, planners, climate scientists, climate equity specialists and more. The CRIS will match your expertise with local government projects that need support in integrating climate resilience into their infrastructure planning.
2. Local Governments and Communities
If you represent a local government or community, you can register to access free expert support to build climate resilience and low carbon emission considerations into your infrastructure project.
This service helps incorporate climate considerations into your planning and decision-making processes.
Climate and
Experts Eligibility
The Climate Ready Infrastructure Service is actively seeking professionals who are experienced and currently practicing in a defined asset, infrastructure and/or climate field for which they have a combination of domain specific qualifications and experience (e.g., degree background and professional certification, standards certification). The Roster of Climate and Infrastructure Experts welcomes submissions from a range of disciplines including engineers, architects, planners, climate scientists, climate equity specialists and more.
A fully qualified Roster Expert has demonstrated professional experience in integrating climate mitigation and/or risk management into their practice, and ideally has certifications related to their area of climate expertise (e.g. IRP credential, LEED accreditation, ISI Envision certification).
We welcome Climate and Infrastructure Experts with a range of expertise to register to join the roster. Minimum qualifications include:
- A minimum of five years of professional experience on infrastructure projects that incorporate climate adaptation or mitigation considerations;
- Experience in a senior role on climate-related infrastructure or housing projects;
- Must live and work in Canada;
- Preferred: possession of a relevant professional designation (e.g., P.Eng., RPP, RA, etc.); and
- Preferred: experience working with local government(s) on one or more asset classes (i.e. Buildings, Stormwater, Nature Based solutions etc.).
Climate experts have experience in one or more of these or other asset classes:
- Water Systems
- Storm Water Management
- Waste Water
- Bridges & Major Culverts
- Buildings & Facilities
- Affordable Housing (under management by the local government)
- Fire & Emergency Facilities
- Solid Waste
- Roads, Sidewalks, and Active Transportation
- Transit (including buses)
- Fleets
- Heavy Equipment
- Parks & Trails
- Green Infrastructure & Nature Based Solution
Local Government
January 31, 2025
To be matched in the first intake of Local Governments and Communities
- Local communities with a population approximately 30,000 or less are eligible, including an Indigenous Governing Body or authority, or unincorporated communities within a regional district.
- The registered project is a public infrastructure or housing project in an eligible asset class.
- The project either has Council approval and/or is included in a multi-year capital plan.
- The submitting local government has gone through the Climate Insight tool or has established current and projected climate risks.
The CRIS is committed to serving Indigenous communities.
Eligible Indigenous Communities include:
- An Indigenous Governing Body, including but not limited to a band council within the meaning of section 2 of the Indian Act.
- A First Nation, Inuit or Métis government or authority established pursuant to a Self-Government Agreement or a Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement between His Majesty the King in right of Canada and an Indigenous people of Canada, that has been approved, given effect and declared valid by federal legislation.
- A First Nation, Inuit or Métis government established by or under legislation whether federal or provincial or territorial that incorporates a governance structure.
- A not-for-profit organization whose central mandate is to improve Indigenous outcomes; and an Indigenous development corporation.
- The proposed project that the local jurisdiction is seeking support for has been mandated or otherwise officially endorsed by a local government and/or governing body (e.g., in a capital budget, multi-year official plan, or workplan).
- The project has a clearly defined project manager/owner who has been formally assigned by the applicant to oversee project preparation.
- The submitting local government has used the Climate Insight tool or has identified current and projected climate risks.
- The applicant can provide details regarding the project purpose and outcomes, intended impacts and/or benefits, location/site, affected assets, intended end users, and project stakeholders.
- The applicant can provide information regarding the expertise they currently or already have available to support project preparation and the additional expertise they seek from the expert.
Submission Guidelines
For more information on eligible projects and expertise, the CRIS matching process, and how to benefit from the service, consult our full Submission Guidelines.
Registration Forms
Registration deadline
December 31, 2024
Deadline for first intake of Climate
and Infrastructure Experts
Local Government or Community
Registration deadline
January 31, 2025
Deadline for first intake of
Local Governments and Communities
The matching process for municipalities will focus on key areas of expertise, roster standing, and consideration for comparable projects completed in the region or a similar region. The matching process is designed to support cross-pollination, capacity building, and provide the best quality of expertise to local governments while accounting for potential contractual obligations through master agreements with roster expert firms.
If you have any further questions about the CRIS, we encourage you to check out our Frequently Asked Questions or contact us at